DISCLAIMER: This app uses unofficial APIs that are not part of the Android SDK released by Google and/or the Android Open Source Project. Hence, this app may not work on all phones.
Read more about this here. <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://goo.gl/8EQl2N%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFHoLBsFn-B4k6_n1W3ubWJuTsM0A&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFgc4pm6vHeh5h33F7PeUNEIh6bpA" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/8EQl2N</a>
Do not request me for Dual SIM support or other features that are not included in the official SDK.
Because of the Open Source nature of Android, it is easy for manufactures to modify Android to add such features.
Also, access to these features is not granted by manufacturers to developers by ways of APIs and SDKs.
In simple words, this app counts your texts at definite intervals, in a pretty advanced way!
-Breaks up SMS usage per contact.
-Supports multi-part texts.
-Uses Android’s built in counting methods.
-Counts automatically in background.
-See reports by days of a month or months of a year.
-Be warned when you run out of your plan with notifications.
-See volume of sent/received texts for a given time frame with ability to sort.
Permissions required:
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - Update count, start monitoring for sent messages and count widgets at boot.
RECEIVE_SMS - Start counting when SMS is received.
READ_SMS - Get character count of each SMS message.
READ_CONTACTS - To break down character count by name on long press of list item.
The following permissions are required by Google Analytics to track usage statistics, by Crashlytics to report app crashes and by Google AdMob to show ads.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">免责声明:此应用程序使用非官方的API是不是由谷歌和/或Android开源项目发布了Android SDK的一部分。因此,这个程序可能无法在所有手机的工作。
了解更多关于此这里。 <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://goo.gl/8EQl2N&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFHoLBsFn-B4k6_n1W3ubWJuTsM0A" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/8EQl2N</a>
- 支持多部分文本。
-Uses Android的内置的计数方法。
以每年一个月或几个月的日子 - 见报道。
发送/接收文本有能力进行排序给定的时间框架 - 见量。
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - 更新计数,开始监测发送的消息,并在引导计数的小部件。
RECEIVE_SMS - 开始计数时,会收到短信。
READ_SMS - 获取每个短信的字符数。
READ_CONTACTS - 要打破字符数的名字在名单项目的长按。
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE</div> <div class="show-more-end">